The Totems, symbols of belonging to an ancestral family, are the result of a work as close a possible to the reality of the matter and its constraints, the linearity of wood in particular.
By carving along its veins, the tool engraves an oneiric representation of man in his verticality, his deformations, his disproportions.

Pommier 90x60x55cm Photo Jifie

Pommier 90x60x55cm Photo Jifie

Pommier 90x60x5cm Photo Jifie

Pommier et Résine 90x60x55cm Photo Jifie

Céramique peinte et cerisier 3 pieces 50 - 35 - 25x20X20cm Photo Jifie

Céramique peinte et cerisier 50x20X20cm Photo Jifie

Céramique peinte et cerisier 25x20X20cm Photo Jifie

Tilleul 100x24x24cm Photo Jifie

Tilleul 100x24x24cm Photo Jifie

Tilleul 100x24x24cm Photo Jifie

bouleau taillé et ciré 120x25x20 Photo J Vince

Bouleau taillé et ciré 120x25x20cm Photo J. Vince