Approaches & Research
At the very beginning the imagination produces an intuition that comes to ground in the material or materials, a sketch without precise contours ...
This first impulse sometime remains as such, uncompleted, for a long time, even if it changes step by step with each new visit. One day it goes forward because physically I ended up touching and taking the raw material with my full hand, hands embracing the raw material, browsing it and listening to it: because the material speaks ...
In each loaf of earth, within each log of wood or piece of metal, there are "veins", a "heart" that guide and impose on the hand or the tool that shapes it, deforms it, cuts it or deverts it, its own requirements.
This primary exploration, with all my senses on the lookout, is an essential confrontation that gives birth to the creation itself: within the material, the volume bursts out, whose visions have inhabited, haunted my thought, until imposing their will to be born.
It is a slow process, where a "necessity" is built, which will gradually be dressed with volumes, lines, colors, light and contrast, and which permanently questions my most primary emotions through my eyes, my hands ...
This "necessity" is this deep need to escape from the thought that opens the paths of creation, that forces and diverts my will to make my hands give birth to its own finality.
Sometimes the confrontation is "rough", brutal, they are blows struck in the matter, which project violent splinters : the sparks of the electric arc, the bat wich strikes the clay to soften it, the chisel that the mallet drives into the wood which tears in chips ...
It is a very primitive, bestial relationship, a fight that is not always won: thus the workshop is full of sketches, of unfinished forms, where the unequal fight ended in favour of the raw material that pushed the
exhausted, emptied artist away.
These moments are an immense pleasure, an accomplishment which turns into rage when the fight is lost ...